Exciting news

Asalaamalaikum everyone!   Hope your summer is going well. I know this hasn’t been the best summer we’ve ever experienced with the Coronavirus and whatnot. I personally have been trying to keep myself busy with a side project, studying for my classes, and, of course, parenting. Even  so, it has been a very boring and…


Salaam everyone!   Hope you are all doing well during this pandemic. I don’t have a lot going on personally, but I did want to write a post to say congratulations to my sister-in-law, Areej. She recently graduated from King Saud University! She worked very hard, and had an incredibly stressful senior year because of…

Office Parties

  After nearly 5 (!!!!!!) years in Saudi, I have come to appreciate many things about the culture. The food, the music, the traditional dress… and the attention to detail regarding parties and gatherings. If I am being honest, I didn’t always appreciate this.  My sisters-in-law used to drive me insane with how carefully and…

That one time I was almost kicked out of a mosque

Okay guys, I got a story for you. Now, y’all probably know by this point that I LOVE Bahrain. I like that it’s just small and comfortable. You’re never far from the sea. It’s just comfortable, honestly. The malls are nice, the food is delicious, the people are pleasant… I could go on and on….

Newest vlogs

During this pandemic, I have been staying home literally all the time. I haven’t been to work since December since I had maternity leave. After my maternity leave, I didn’t return to work because of the COVID outbreak. I’m basically a stay at home mom these days.  With that being said, I have more time…

Girls Only: Inside a Female Only Campus

One thing that often draws foreigners to Saudi Arabia is how secretive everything is. Until recently, there were no visitor visas issued so no tourists came here. Public photography wasn’t legal, so you didn’t see a lot of pictures from here. The culture in itself is also a bit private and secretive, so it’s not…


There are not a lot of recreational activities in Saudi Arabia. Gender segregation is enforced very strictly not only by the government but by the people that reside here as well. One fun weekend activity would be to have an Istaraha party. An Istaraha is a small house with a giant walled in yard. Most…